Morocco - Spain - Germany

Sent to Claudia (Germany)

And this is the first VQR I sent. It was bought and eaten in Morocco, but sent from Spain to Germany, for a mail art project called Schickt mir Euer Geweih ('Sent me your horns'). The back:

In the postman I trust

Sent to حامد (the Netherlands)

This is the very first postcard of this kind I sent, from Spain. It is (or was) the most famous brand of triangles of cheese in Spain some years ago. In fact, I do not remember I ate VQR triangles when I was a child, but these. And in Spain still the word used for 'triangles of cheese' is the name of the brand: caseríos. Even though the standard name is quesitos ('little pieces of cheese').

The name El caserío refers to the house you can see in the picture. This house exists in Menorca island and it was the first factory. I am not sure if it is still workings nowadays.

The slogan of the brand is also still extremely well-known (I mean, among the people from... certain age). De El Caserío me fío means 'I trust in El Caserío'. I sent this postcard to حامد with this title: In the postman I trust (of course it arrived).

The Laughing Dwarfs

From Micu (Hungary)

Handmade postcard made of cheese packaging. I have never seen this brand before. Of course it is a pity that there is no cow but... Did you realise these nice dwarfs are also laughing? Cows, people and other people are also laughing on cheese packaging. Curious thing.

Jibnet Abou Al Walad

From Mohd (Oman)

This is what the brand says about itself (taken from here):
Established 45 years ago in the Middle East under the Regal Picon® name, the Middle East's most famous brand of spreadable cheese is today known as Jibnet Abou Al Walad®, literally "cheese for the child".
The change, inspired directly by the brand's logo showing a young boy, is more in tune with the brand's strong local roots. Jibnet Abou Al Walad® is the market leading brand in Yemen, Oman, Syria, and Jordan, and a benchmark for families looking for accessible, quality products. To better suit differing consumer eating habits, the cheese is available in tubs, jars and slices.

Die Lachende Kuh

Sent by Ilse (Germany)

Another name for VQR! It arrived yesterday with greetings from German cows (say hello to them on my behalf, Ilse). And a disturbing question: Are they always laughing?

Important detail of the picture:

So Bilingual!

Sent by Lilli (Canada)

I thought that in Canada there were boxes in English and boxes in French... How silly of me: They are completely bilingual. I like the idea.

On the back, another cowstamp. It shows a sculpture by Joe FafardSmoothly She Shifted/Doucement elle se retourna (also the stamp is bilingual).

How do you say her name in Greek?

Sent by Dimitra (Greece)

She not only sent me a VQR from Greece (I like the Greek letters). Also show me her name in another language:

And, specially, she painted a really beautiful scene on the back. People eat well in the blue Greece, don't they? Bread, wine, olives... Wait a  moment, where is the VQR cheese?

Greek Light VQR mail art

From Katerina (Greece)

La bonne vache

From Heleen (the Netherlands)

I do not doubt she is a good (bonne) cow. But, alas: she does not laugh. She even does not smile like that beautiful cow...

As the sender noticed, this box seems a dictionary, because it informs about the content in anything but eight languages: portions, porzioni, portioner, triangles, porties, porciones, porções and portionen!

And how people manage to find the perfect stamps? Look at these terrific (not laughing though) Dutch cows: