Nesting Cows

Big cowenvelope send by Phillip (the USA). It was made with a cover (I think) of the Hoard's Dairyman: The National Dairy Farm Magazine. The issue contains, at least, an interesting article:

Have you noticed the cowstamps?

But the envelope contained a second one. See it unfolded:

And even a third one!

Inside I found a withe cowpostcard (front and back, or back and front):

And a note. Yes, the right word is... amazing!!

La Maison de la vache qui rit

New awesome VQR mail art received from Christophe (France). So many cows!

It also included two cowstamps I had never received and some pieces of cowliterature (cowdictionaries, indeed):

And inside, a brochure of the Laughing Cow's home: La Maison de la vache qui rit. I wouldn't mind to visit the place one day...

Metal Cow

Big metallic cow sent by John (the UK).

A real surprise, and also with a lot of cowstamps on the back (with perfect cancellations, in my opinion).

Oz & VQR

Sent by Heleen (the Netherlands)

When I started my second project (Oz Postcard Project) the less I expected was to receive a postcard that would include the Laughing Cow and some Ozites (Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion). That postcard drawn by Heleen is just brilliant!

This idea had never occured to me... But after a short consideration I'm sure that the VQR could live really happy in the land of Oz!


This project started on May 26, 2013. I have just decided that I will close the project on May 26, 2015. Your contributions are still welcome!