Mix VQR from the Netherlands

Sent by Heleen (the Netherlands)

With this one I learned that there are mix packets of VQR wedges, with four different tastes! I had never seen them before. And I like the colours. And that in Dutch she is De lachende koe, but it seems that people know her with her French name. I wonder if it is the same in the rest of countries.

Did you realise that on the first VQR postcard from the Netherlands it was write 8 puntjes, and in this one 8 portions? Well, I suppose you didn't because I am the only one who looks so attentively to the VQR packets...


  1. Puntjes, portions, I didn't notice that before! Thank you for attracting our attention to it1 from now on I'll watch the packages closer!
    Both packages present in our fridge now (no mixed ones) show the words 'puntjes' (= kleine punten = small 'points'/wedges), phew, at last some Dutch... I already wondering why the Dutch call this cheese brand La vache qui rit, instead of the Dutch 'de koe die lacht / de lachende koe', as all of our neighbouring countries use the translation in their languages.. Silly Dutch :-)

    1. I don't know why. It would be more interestiting for the VQR Postcard Project! :P
